I believe local representatives should be accessible all of the time, not just during elections.
That's why I regularly hold mobile offices across Port Stephens to make it easier for constituents to raise issues directly with me.
Mobile offices are a permanent part of my work, giving you "after hours" accessibility to myself and my staff - in case you're unable to contact my electorate office during business hours.
If you have any issues or concerns you would like to raise with me, please feel free to attend one of my mobile offices - or you can just drop by to say hello!
Upcoming Mobile Offices
Saturday 19 November
Lemon Tree Passage 10am - 1pm at Tilligerry Festival, Henderson Park
Recent Mobile Offices
Saturday 11 November
Medowie 8am - 11am at Medowie Markets
Saturday 3 September
Williamtown 10:30am - 11:30am at Fighter Beans Cafe, Fighter World
Raymond Terrace 12:30pm - 2pm at Terrace Central Shopping Centre
Saturday 27 August
Woodville 9:30am - 11am at The Woodville Store
Seaham 12noon - 1:30pm at Seaham General Store
Hinton 2pm - 3:30pm at the Hinton Community Hall
Sunday 21 August
Karuah Markets 8am - 12noon at Karuah Public School
Saturday 20 August
North Arm Cove 10am - 12noon at NAC Community Centre
Hawks Nest/Tea Gardens 12:30pm - 2:30pm at Hawks Nest Newsagency
Saturday 13 August
Nelson Bay 1pm - 3pm at Nelson Bay Woolworths
Saturday 30 July
Fingal Bay 10am - 12noon at Cellar Cafe
Shoal Bay 1pm - 3pm at Shoal Bay Country Club
Saturday 23 July
Tanilba Bay 9:30am - 11:30am at Peace Park, Tanilba Bay Foreshore
Lemon Tree Passage 12noon - 1pm at TAG Gallery, 13 Meredith Avenue
Medowie 2pm - 4pm at Medowie Social, Ferodale Road
Saturday 16 July
Salamander Bay 9:30am - 11:30am at 109 Foreshore Drive
Anna Bay 12noon - 2pm at Rubi Blue Cafe, Anna Bay Shops